Helping people live better lives

Merrian Sangalli, Calmology’s Founder, has worked with every type of dementia-related agitation. For over ten years, people with moderate to severe agitation were her sole focus.
A certified aromatherapist, her years of extensive plant-based research paid off. Working alongside clinical managers and nurses, she introduced products and personalised care plans that reduced people’s discomfort. The results quickly outweighed the resistance.
Having identified potential in several rare phytochemical compounds, her sights are now set on the wellbeing of the whole community.
Creating remedies for all
We developed our drug-free products in the area of aged care and dementia, on some of our most vulnerable people.
Coupled with tailored care plans and a remote service model, they have proven to be incredibly effective at addressing associated issues (such as those presented on the right) and offered relief for health and dementia professionals who were aiming to minimise the use of psychotropic drug use.
There is opportunity for a service provider or pharmacy group to partner with us and enhance care for people at home or in facilities.
We also see huge potential for using our meticulously acquired knowledge for other age groups or problems.
About Calmology
Calmology was established in response to clinical managers, nurses and family members seeking a drug-free way to alleviate agitation and challenges with relaxation in their clients.
We have provided services to many people with dementia; disability and mental health conditions.
Since 2012, we have been providing health professionals and families with a viable intervention for agitation in dementia as recommended by the new standards in aged care introduced in July 2019.
In 2018, UniSA initiated a small study with Calmology to trial our care strategies and plant-based formulas which have been developed after years of work with the various clusters of symptoms of agitation. The study was small however the results in decreasing vocalisation were very encouraging.
Our extensive work in the healthcare field sets us apart, with unparalleled experience in providing refined care strategies which focus on specific threads of symptoms commonly experienced by people with agitation and health problems.
Over the years, our range has been tested, refined and has evolved beyond aged care for the wellness of people in the wider community.

About Merrian Sangalli
Calmology founder Merrian Sangalli is a healthcare and cosmetic product developer, and certified aromatherapist based in Adelaide. Her work with essential oils and herbal tinctures triggered a fascination with the chemicals produced from a vast array of indigenous and non-native plants.
In 2012, Merrian started assisting Alzheimer’s Australia (now Dementia Australia) in their service to provide a drug-free intervention for unresolved agitation in dementia. A clinical study followed with the University of South Australia in 2018.
A remote service model has been invaluable in collating data (before and after use) from personal care staff, facility managers and family members. It has contributed to Merrian’s work in minimising harmful spiralling agitation in dementia and identifying the diverse clusters of symptoms and behaviours.
There is a change in focus for aged and disability care, shifting to in-home services, and often these organisations are struggling with a raft of challenges. They are also finding that it is difficult to provide adequate care for people with agitation.
Merrian believes she can offer resources for managers of care organisations to grow and improve their service options and increase daily comfort levels for their clients with agitation.
Her new project is focusing on creating innovative, authentic product ranges for various ages and needs. Please contact her for more information or to access her resources.
About Wayne Hall
Calmology secretary Wayne Hall brings 38 years of business experience to the table, having held roles in staff management to senior level, recruitment, training, and mentoring.
He is on the board of a multimillion-dollar agricultural company which he helped grow from inception and he has full responsibility of financial performance including board member duties.
Wayne’s expertise lies in problem-solving and creating new opportunities for sales growth and client profitability, plus fundamental and best practice business management strategies.
Paired with Merrian, he makes a formidable team that’s focused on the next phase of growth for Calmology. about partnership and investment opportunities. Please contact Wayne about partnership and investment opportunities.

People We've Helped
Merrian has provided me with support and knowledge of her products in the development of a behaviour management plan for some of our Dementia residents with amazing results.
Robyne Bragg RN PCNS
From a professional and personal perspective, I can highly recommend the Calmology products, as being effective, comforting and enjoyable for the residents.
Maggie Bianco,
Director of Nursing of RACF
Mum was quite distressed and fearful and had started to vocalise loudly. Whilst we were able to use the products, we didn’t have to medicate.
Claire Macpherson, (daughter)

Industry Recognition
Mentioned in a letter of recommendation to the Royal Commission into Aged Care
Used by hundreds of Australian Care Organisations since 2012